
Status Update

Aug 17th 2024

Since borders started opening up again 2022, I sought out a new life outside of America. Long story short I found myself in Asia, and absolutely loving it. Long story short, I found a great job which I love that allows me to stay in my new country. Unfortunately, the move, new job, and adapting to a foreign country took a lot of my free time, taking so much time away from my side-projects. 

Barista has always been a passion project, and still is. It's actually this project that allowed me to get the job I have, and now use it as an example of ways to write using the functional paradigm, with immutable data structures. Most importantly, it made me so happy to hear that people still use it to this day, are continuously happy with the results, and thank me for creating this project. With that, I always said I would return to this project as soon as I could make the time, and that time is finally now.

Now to regain access to my AWS account, and it's back to the grindstone. ☕️


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